What happens if you fail or are absent in SOL 1/3/5 Semester Exam & Assessment?

Exams and assessments are crucial for every student, but sometimes unforeseen circumstances can lead to confusion, especially if you miss exams or fail to clear assessments. In this article, we will address all the key concerns for students in their first, third, and fifth semesters. This guide is particularly important for CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) students and those under the New Education Policy (NEP).

What happens if you fail or are absent in SOL 1/3/5 Semester Exam & Assessment?
What happens if you fail or are absent in SOL 1/3/5 Semester Exam & Assessment?

If you are a CBCS student from the 2019, 2020, or 2021 batches, the following points apply to you:

  • CBCS students have a 5-year graduation span period to complete their degree.
  • 2019 batch students were given a special chance due to specific circumstances.
  • 2020 batch students: 2024 is your final year to complete the graduation.
  • 2021 batch students: You are currently in your fourth year.
  • If you miss or fail an exam in the first, third, or fifth semester, you get one more chance to clear it.
  • The next opportunity to reappear for the missed semester exam is next year in December.
  • For 2020 batch students, this year is your last chance to complete your graduation successfully.
  • If you fail a semester again (ER) after reappearing, you might lose your graduation opportunity.
  • According to the current rules, no additional chance will be given unless a special exception is made in the future.

Important Note: Your graduation period ends after 5 years, so ensure that you plan and appear for your pending exams in time.

If you are a student from the 2022 or 2023 batches, you are enrolled under the New Education Policy (NEP), and certain rules will apply:

1. Promotion Criteria

  • You must clear 50% of the subjects in an academic year to qualify for promotion.
  • Example: If you have 14 subjects in total for both semesters, you need to pass at least 7 subjects to proceed to the next year.

SOL 1st Semester Internal Assessment Live Process 2024

  • If you miss your third or fifth semester exams in December, the re-exams will be conducted next year in December.
  • To reappear, you must fill out the exam form again for the specific semester.
  • If eligible, you can appear for the missed exams along with the next semester’s exams.
  • If you fail or miss your internal assessments, these assessments will be conducted in the next year.
  • Example: Third semester assessments will be conducted alongside the fifth semester exams.
  • Similarly, fifth semester assessments will occur alongside the seventh semester exams.

Tip: Missing exams or failing assessments can cause significant delays in your graduation. This can result in losing an entire academic year, so be cautious.

Students often miss exams or fail assessments due to various reasons. Below is a summary of what happens in such situations:

Missed third/fifth semester examRe-exam will be held next year in DecemberFill the exam form again
Failed in internal assessmentsAssessments will be re-conducted the next yearAppear with the next semester exams
Failed promotion criteriaRepeat the yearClear 50% of subjects to move forward
Missed first semester examExam will be re-conducted in the next academic yearFill the form and appear accordingly

If you are a first-semester student and have taken admission in 2024, your exams are likely scheduled for January. Here are some key pointers:

  1. Be Prepared for Exams: Missing exams or failing assessments can delay your entire graduation.
  2. Promotion Criteria: You must pass 50% of your subjects to move to the next academic year.
  3. Timely Assessments: Complete and submit your internal assessments on time to avoid any reappear situations.

Advice: Since you are new to the academic process, make sure you follow the rules carefully and avoid missing any exams or assessments.

  • CBCS students (2019, 2020, and 2021 batches) have a 5-year span period to complete their graduation.
  • Missing exams or failing assessments can delay graduation by one year.
  • NEP students (2022 and 2023 batches) must clear 50% of subjects to get promoted to the next year.
  • Re-exams for missed semesters are conducted next year in December.
  • Always complete internal assessments and appear for all semester exams on time.

Missing exams can cost you a full academic year, so plan accordingly and ensure you are well-prepared for your exams and assessments. Stay focused and follow these guidelines to successfully complete your graduation without delays.

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Hello everyone! I'm Rudra Pratap Singh, a dedicated writer with over three years of experience. I focus on providing valuable insights and updates on Delhi University, including CUET, the latest DU news, vibrant fests, scholarships, and detailed college guides. My goal is to help students and readers navigate their academic journey with up-to-date and relevant information.

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