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DU CSAS Round 3: How Many Seats May Allocate In Round 3?

As of August 29, the second round of admissions at Delhi University has concluded, and many students are now anxiously waiting for the third round of admissions. There is growing concern among candidates that very few seats might remain available in the third or subsequent rounds. The seats offered by Delhi University have already surpassed their initial allocation. To understand the situation better, let’s hear from Professor Ajay Arora, Principal of Ramjas College and a data expert. In this article, we’ll cover DU CSAS Round 3: How Many Seats May Allocate In Round 3?


Despite concerns, there are still a significant number of seats available for students. According to Professor Arora, the number of seats available is based on the data provided in the university’s initial press release. Delhi University offered around 97,387 seats against the available 71,000 seats. Approximately 83,000 students showed interest, and ultimately, 65,000 took admission in the first round. This means that while many students secured their places, there are still open seats in various colleges and programs.

In the second round of admissions, which recently ended, around 72,000 admissions were completed against the initially available 71,600 seats. It might seem that all the seats are filled, but that’s not the complete picture. In some colleges, more students were admitted than the sanctioned capacity, while in others, fewer students enrolled. This imbalance indicates that many colleges and programs still have unfilled seats.

Yes, more rounds of admission are expected. Professor Arora estimates that around 18,000 to 20,000 students might still get admission in the third round. This number excludes supernumerary seats such as ECA (Extra-Curricular Activities), Sports, and CW (Children/Widows of Armed Forces Personnel) categories, which are filled separately.

Certainly! There are still opportunities for new students to secure admission, especially in lesser-known programs or colleges. Professor Arora’s analysis suggests that, compared to the first and second lists, the chances for new admissions might increase, while the scope for upgrades will decrease. This is due to many students who initially took admission but are now freezing their seats, thus reducing the pool of those seeking further upgrades.

The third round is expected to bring some stabilization to the admission process. According to Professor Arora, the likelihood of upgrades will diminish compared to the previous rounds. As more students freeze their seats, the number of available seats for new admissions may increase. This change can be particularly favorable for students who haven’t secured admission yet.


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There might be more vacant seats in colleges located in remote areas. Students today are more focused on choosing colleges that offer a good balance between travel time and reputation. Some colleges outside the main campus, though renowned, may still have seats available due to their location. Additionally, colleges in rural areas or women-only colleges might see more vacant seats, influenced by various factors such as gender ratio and the preference for NCWEB (Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board).

A backup plan is always advisable, but Professor Arora believes that, given the current situation, there might not be a significant need for it. The Delhi University Admission Branch appears to be moving towards a stable admission process with the third list. However, it is wise for students to remain prepared for any eventualities, especially considering how unpredictable the admission landscape can be.

Overall, the admission process at Delhi University is likely to become more stable after the third round. The first two rounds have already seen a significant number of admissions, but there are still opportunities for those who haven’t secured a spot yet. As the university continues its process, it is expected that most of the available programs will reach a stable enrollment status. Students are encouraged to stay informed and remain optimistic about their chances in the upcoming rounds.

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