DU SOL 6th Semester Result 2024: Big Update on Expected Result & Correction of Degree

DU SOL 6th Semester Result 2024: Big Update on Expected Result & Correction of Degree

Thousands of students are waiting for the DU SOL 6th semester results 2024. To address their concerns, Dr. O.P. Sharma, a key person in the School of Open Learning (SOL), shared important updates on the expected result date and degree corrections. In this article we’ll see “DU SOL 6th Semester Result 2024: Big Update on Expected Result & Correction of Degree”

He said this is the last batch of CBCS students in their 6th semester, around 77,000 to 78,000 students appeared in the final exams. Exams were over and on time.

Examination branch is preparing the results and SOL authorities are in touch with them as these results are very important for the students especially for those who are planning to pursue post graduate courses or other courses. Dr. Sharma said Mr. G.S. Tuteja, the newly appointed Controller of Examinations, has assured that results will be declared very soon.

Dr. Sharma addressed the concern about the delay in B.A. program results compared to honours courses. He said B.A. honours results are declared along with regular students but B.A. program results take time as there are more number of students. But Mr. Tuteja has issued a notice to teachers to expedite the evaluation of pending answer sheets so that results can be declared on time.

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Dr. Sharma emphasized that university has to declare final year results on time so that admission process for post graduate courses can be smooth. He also mentioned that two dedicated counters have been introduced in the exam branch for SOL students which has resolved 80% of the students’ issues on the spot and reduced the complaints related to exams.

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Regarding the degree certificates for 2023 pass outs, Dr. Sharma acknowledged the reports of spelling errors in Hindi names. He said these errors occurred as the forms were not filled in Hindi initially and names were translated from English later. SOL is working with the examination branch to resolve this issue quickly.

Some students have been told that they need to pay the fee to correct these errors. Dr. Sharma said SOL will discuss this with the authorities to find a solution without burdening the students financially.

In short Dr. Sharma’s updates gave a clear picture of the current status of DU SOL 6th semester results and the steps being taken to correct the degree, so students can rest assured of the results and their concerns will be resolved soon.

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